Heart focused breathing


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How breathing and emotions influence our heart rate and nervous system have been the subject of scientific research for many years by the HeartMath® Institute in Boulder Creek, USA.

Das herzfokussierte Atmen ist eine hochwirksame Atemmeditation auf die alle weiterführenden Übungen der HearthMath®-Wissenschaft aufbauen. Bei der „Herzatmung“, lenken wir unsere Achtsamkeit auf den Brustraum und das Herz und legen so eine stabile Basis für positive Gefühle und Gedanken. Die herzfokussierte Atmung ist eine einfache Technik mit der wir automatisierte Stressreaktionen wirksam unterbrechen und uns jederzeit in einen ausbalancierten Zustand bringen können.

Heart-focused breathing is a highly effective breathing meditation on which all the more advanced exercises of HearthMath® science are based. In “heart-focused breathing,” we direct our awareness to the chest cavity and the heart, laying a stable foundation for positive feelings and thoughts. Heart-focused breathing is a simple technique with which we can effectively interrupt automated stress reactions and bring ourselves into a balanced state at any time.

This proven breathing practice is not primarily about relaxation, but about an optimal interaction of body, brain and nervous system, which we call Heart Coherence or Heart Intelligence®.

HeartMath® scientists have found that after only 3 weeks of 3 times 5 minutes of daily heart-focused breathing practice and invoking renewing emotions, there are measurable changes in brain activity and in the autonomic nervous system.

You too can benefit from this easy-to-learn, highly effective breathing meditation!